MISSING : jam CASIO ilang...
Posted by Nabielah Suki , Monday, 27 June 2011 13:09
jam ak bruw jew beli..huhu..even xsmpai rm100..tp ttp sgt2 syg..pkai xsmpi 1 bln..huhuh..
duk sibuk wt keje td smpi lupe mne letk..arap2 esk jumpe jam 2..waaa...
jam ak bruw jew beli..huhu..even xsmpai rm100..tp ttp sgt2 syg..pkai xsmpi 1 bln..huhuh..
duk sibuk wt keje td smpi lupe mne letk..arap2 esk jumpe jam 2..waaa...
mmg cmua kerja penat BUT it is FINE asalkn ati SENANG and HAPPY....tp ak ase cm xbape happy ngn tmpt kerja skg..cm tah ape2..BERLAGAK+kurang AJO+suke batu API..
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BATU api..~ekeke |
though it has only been a month, the boys are wrapping up promotions on a high, having won triple crowns on M! Countdown and Music Bank, and being a two-time Mutizen winner on Inkigayo.
i will miss them perform on the stage like before. they will not be promoting a follow-up track, and will be just wrapping up a month of promotions. even though their track a very successfulness among the listener like freeze, you, and back to you.
check this out :
even nk CONTROL and try nk SOROK dr ummi..she still dpt detect..pe lg im like a crying baby laa..burst with tear (chewwaah ayt mcm berlagk pwer)..i just cannot resist it..ak tkut sgt UMMI kecewe dan marah bile dgr result ak..tp..heemm she just say ummi bangge ngn k.lng..da xde rezeki nk wt cmane CUBE lg sem depan...k.lng da usaha, tp masih dpt result y xmemuasjkn kite kne redha..kt dunia ni kite xakn rse PUAS HATI dgn ape y kite dpt..ape y pnting JGN putus ase dan ilang SEMANGT nk stdy....kurng rase BEBAN kt bahu lps share ngn ummi..time kaseh ummi I luv U ummi..more than everything..
dr dulu ak sedar yg : UMMI bestfren ak y paling ak SYG...stat ak celik mate kt dunia ni ummi teman ak..comot ke ak, hodoh kew, kuat merengek kew ak ummi lyn je ak..ak snggup GANTI kan tmpt UMMI klu ak ad kuasa UTK smbuh kn UMMI klu UMMI skt..
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nie dpt dr google search : cover novel |
wat 2 do..rse trok sgt sgt...sgt...org laen stdy ckit pn result ok..adakah sbb ak stdy morelearn less?
cmua slaamt result..CUME XDEKAN JE..sedih sebab 2..cam PELIK je..ak sedihh sbb result xslamat..dieorg ptt rse BERSYUKUR...ape ak wt slaah smpi lecture bg result 2 kt ak...ak ase care blajar ak slaah sem lps..ak kne tuka sem nih...i really NEED change...kkdg ak ase jeles ngn member ak....DAH mmg sah..ak nih mmg BODOH..xpenah nk dpt resut y dpt buat ummi ngn abah happy..MAAF ummi abah..
dlam plan skg :
1.kete send blek umh
2. try mohohn msk kolej
3.wat ckit2 dissert lam cuti ni..
4.cari byk2 duet..
UMMI..mcmane nk gitaw ummi ngn abah ni psl result ak nih..i just cry when i think of ummi..ummi i need u rite nw..
trokk...y cube d elak 2 la trjadi..UMI k.lng xcpai ape y djanjikn kt umi..maaf sgt2..result kali trok sgt2..rase mcm nk quit je..mmg xtw da ape y perlu nk dbuat utk ambk ati lecture nk dptkn mark lebih..nk kate xattend class..KEKADANG je..assigment..SEMUA complete..myb mistake ak time exm 2..terlalu CONFIDENT or trlampau xCONFIDENT?...nk kate ak xstdy...cuti stdy week..ak xblek pn sbb nk study..
bruw siap semua..bsuh bju mkn n mandi..huhh..
i really like this show..its make me terkekek tnpe henti evn when i watch the episod y xde translation or blom d translate lg..(some word that familiar bleh pham kot like chuahye..wheyy?..a simple word)..i feel al my burden strees floow away..huhhh..feel refreshinng..
sometime my housemate akn intai when she heard mcm ad org y xbetol tgk glk lam bilik ni kn..hhahah..sowi hazima..BUT somethimes she also will join ME..heheh..ohhoho..TERJEBAK sama...
huhuuh..enjoying wach hitz.fm morning crew video..whooaa!..they are very funny and sgt relax..they so enjoyble...i really lov them..huhuh..
just watch this..you must terkekek sesorng..hahah..
emmm....everyone look so excited to wait for the party..
BUT not for me..huhu..i think they even dont like me...once i feel not confortable with them..ak akn lbh suke mnjaow kn diri aje..
mcm AGAK boring la kan if xdek kwn..aduhh...mne agk nye member yek..hehe..
to all UiTM student sila register course anda..kuikuikui..
sem depan ada 4subject..hope bilangan course 2 tetap UNTIL result sem ni kua..huhuh..scary~
smlm duk godek-godek laptop..teringin plak nk bukak blek blog..dlu once penah da buat but sekerat jalan..ekeke...now with new ERA (perkataan spoile) new VISION..im doing this blog..hahaha..semangat wajah tol..
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big bang |
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